Staffing Plan and Qualification
Staffing Overview
Advanced Professional Security (APS) strives to employ and retain the most highly qualified, well trained, and talented team of security guards and specialists available to hold positions of trust and responsibility.
Minimum Qualification Requirements
All APS Security Guards assigned to United Airlines will meet at a minimum the following requirements: 
APS Employee and U.S. citizen or legally permitted to work in the U.S.
Minimum of eighteen (18), twenty-one (21) years old for armed, and a high-school graduate with a current, valid Colorado driver’s license
English language speaker with good communication skills
Basic computer skills
Pre-employment 6-panel drug screen.
CBI background check as well as eVerify
APS actively seeks employees who are honorably discharged veterans, former law enforcement or individuals who have at least 3 years’ experience and satisfactory performance in private sector security.
Recruiting Talented Agents
Our success is measured by recruiting and “selecting” the right people
Recruitment can have the biggest and longest lasting impact on reducing employee turnover.
Advanced Professional Security has adapted a rigorous employee selection process.
APS screens each applicant for verbal, written, and computer skills.
Facts on applications are verified, national and county-level criminal background checks
Highest level of education verification and reference verification from employers.
Copies of guard cards are obtained and kept in the employee file.
All employees also undergo a physical assessment and per-employment to ensure that they are fit to stand duty.
Candidates are interviewed in person by recruiting and an operational level manager.
Pre-Screening Applicants
All applicants must:
demonstrate the ability to pay attention to details, remain vigilant and observant, and deliver customer service.
demonstrate that they are physically capable of service
have the mental aptitude to succeed as a security agent.
The background check must not contain any felonies or misdemeanors involving violence, fraud, dishonesty, or any sexual offenses.
New Hire Training
16 hours
list curriculum
On the Job Training
Our approach to on-the-job training begins with our supervisors review of all applicable post orders.
The supervisor observes and notes any conditions or incidents that may not be covered and makes suggestions to enhance and/or streamline processes if beneficial to the customer. 
The individual tasks necessary are reviewed and tests are designed to measure competency (see handout) with regard to post orders, operational procedures, and techniques required to effectively perform their job.
We ensure potential candidates completely understand the expectations of the job and the daily tasks and activities to be performed.
Reducing Turnover Rate
Our turnover rate of 38 % is considerably lower than the industry standard of 80%-120%. The number is a direct result of APS “selecting” the right people for each position.
On-Call and Always Available
The Site Manager and an alternate will be responsible for the guards assigned to United Airlines.
These supervisory personnel may be contacted at any time, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week and be on-call and always available in less than twelve (12) hours of being notified to provide at least one additional security guard at each facility.
On a quarterly basis, the Site Manager will meet the designated point of contact for this contract so as to provide inspection reports, performance reviews, and any other pertinent information.
Record Keeping Procedures
APS employs a records life cycle maintenance procedure that encompasses the interrelated and interdependent phases of records creation, collection, maintenance, use, and disposition.
Logbooks and other paper records will be stored onsite in a control binder and removed weekly and scanned into an internal secure database. This includes Security Incident Reports (SIRs) which will be provided to the DENFTC facility contact.
APS acknowledges that all records created and maintained during the contract period will be subject to receipt and storage by United Airlines at any time records are requested, and will be submitted to United Airlines at the end of the contract period.
During the term of the contract, APS will maintain the following records for all armed security guards:
· Proof of successful training· ‘Class R’ driver’s license· Security education or related training· Employee performance and training (including spot checks) |
· Employee applications, photos, fingerprints· Licenses or qualifications as security guards· Operational records (location schedules, payroll records, invoices-incl. hours worked) |
Required Contractor Materials
APS will ensure all security agents will have the required contractor equipment:
All SO uniforms, cold weather equipment, rain gear, safety vests and related supplies.
Ten 2-way communication radios with ear pieces and discrete microphones, spare batteries, charging station.
Vehicle, not to exceed three years old, 4×4 police type, equipped with spotlights and police type flasher, signage which identifies vehicle as “Security.” Contractor’s insurance will cover vehicle and contractor’s employees’ use of such.
Vehicle will be maintained in good working order.
Personal protective equipment.
Flash light
Pocket notebook
Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluations are administered 90 days after hire, 180 days after hire, and then annually afterward.
Staff is evaluated on:
customer service skills
ability to adapt to situations within their work environment,
communication skills,
ability to grasp and implement new concepts or scopes of work, ability to work as part of a team and overall contribution to the mission/work assignment.